Our first EFIB news of this year is a The first EFIB News o of the year is to remind you the events in which we will participate and we trust that are of your interest: Bern, Colombia. Alicante …SW Bioengineering as a tool for the challenges we face. Important challenges, therefore we think in joining forces with other organizations, to be able to move forward and as the motto of the SER congress in Alicante says work together towards a new green deal for Europe’s Nature!
Paola Sangalli-EFIB President
SAVE THE DATE 13rd and 19th JUNE 2020 |
5th International Conference on Soil, Bio-and Eco-Engineering
BFH-HAFL Zollikofen (Bern, Switzerland)-SBEE CONFERENCE
13rd and 19th JUNE 2020- PRELIMINARY PROGRAM
EAs in the preceding SBEE conference series, we will bring together researchers, practitioners, geotechnical and civil engineers, biologists, ecologists, geomorphologists and foresters to discuss current problems in soil-resource sustainability, soil erosion and slope-stability research, and how to address these problems using soil, bio- and eco-engineering techniques. The Verein Für Ingenieurbiologie with the European Federation of Soil and Water Bioengineering collaborates whit the School of Agricultural, Forest and Food Sciences HAFL of the Bern University of Applied Sciences.
Mail Email address: [email protected] or [email protected]
SAVE THE DATE: 12th European Conference on Ecological Restoration SERE2020!
31st AUGUST – 4th SEPTEMBER 2020 |
Science and political action towards socio-ecological restoration
The organizing committee and the University of Alicante welcome you to the 12th European Conference on Ecological Restoration SERE2020! Between August 31 and September 4 2020, we will discuss challenges facing ecological restoration in post-2020 Europe, and particularly, how can ecological restoration promote the recovery of damaged, degraded and destroyed socio-ecological systems in these critical times.
The European Federation of Soil and Water Bioengineering and the Spanish member AEIP Asociación Española de Ingeniería del Paisaje, collaborate in this evente and wil organize some activities around the Soil and Water Bioengineering and the ecological restoration, that will be announce soon. The members of AEIP and EFIB will have a special price to attend at this conference. We wait for you abstract.
The period of abstract submission for Oral presentations and Posters is now open for the SERE2020 Conference, to be held between August 31 and September 4, 2020 in Alicante.
The Scientific Committee invites and encourages all authors to submit their abstracts for consideration and inclusion in the Scientific Programme.The online platform for abstract submission will be open until 17th April.
Collaborate with this event |
GREEN URBANISM Rome, 11-13 December 2019
Another international moment for EFIB members in the direction of Urban Water & Soil Bioengineering was the third International Conference of GU, Green Urbanism, of IEREK in Tor Vergata University (Rome, 11-13 December) discussing the importance of Sustainable Development by providing solutions towards zero-waste cities.
This the will of Chairman of the Conference Prof. Ferdinando Trapani that with the Italian Gioia Gibelli (IALE member and keynote speaker in Rome) got two of the International Award for Liveable City.
One of the 10 Session, Sustainable Infrastructure and Mobility, has been coordinated by our Member Gianluigi Pirrera.
The 3-d international on-line Conference held the last 19th december was very successful .Besides the Maikop university participants, there were also participants from Azerbaijan, the Ukraine, Belarus, Armenian and Russia.
This event counted with the participation of the President of EFIB Dr. Paola Sangalli, Dr. Hans Peter Rauch from Wien University of Natural Sciences (Institute of soil bioengineering and landscape planning); Dr. Gianluigi Pirrera, Vize-President of AIPIN (Italy) and t Prof. Georges Em Aoun from Agrarian Lebanon University participate. We want to thank the rectorate of the Maykop State Technological University and specially our Colleghe Elena Brazalina for the support and the organization.
SAVE THE DATE 21st and 25th JULY 2020 |
Integrating knowledge from the mountains to the seas
Santa Marta (Colombia)
The V Colombian Congress and VI Ibero-American and Caribbean Congress of Ecological Restoration 2020 “integrating knowledge from the mountains to the seas” is a space open to representatives of entities, communities, technicians, professionals, researchers, consultants and students from different disciplines of the field of the Ecological Restoration of Colombia and Latin America.
More information: congreso2020.redcre.com |
Conference in autumn
‘Soil and Water Bioengieering and management of the restoration and naturalisation on rail and road embankments’.
This conference will deal about the selection of the the right plants and techniques for securing and for revegetation, especially with regard to the question of vigor and care.
Storm, heavy rain, snow and ice are seen as loads that may affect the ability to drive.
More information next EFB News SPRING
Course of Natural Engineering in the Master in Forest Resources of the Polytechnic Institute of Coimbra
It is being held in January and February 2020 in Forest Resources of the Polytechnic Institute of Coimbra.
The most relevant objectives in this training are:
• the application of Natural Engineering as a compensation tool for disturbances induced in ecosystems
• the integration of Natural Engineering in the post-fire management of burnt areas.