The European Forum for Circular Economy (EFCE) is an event created by WEBS (World Event Business Solutions) in partnership with the law firm Aklea, and aims to bring together on October 13 and 14, 2020 in Paris all the actors of the circular economy, public and private, laboratories of research as innovative companies to allow them to share and highlight their expertise, their know-how, their solutions as their feedback, to show the strength of this dynamic and their ability to carry the ambition to succeed in the ecological and energy transition.
Call for papers
Deadline : March 31, 2020

10 major themes
- 1. Building, construction and infrastructure: organizing the sectors to promote the collection, recycling and recovery of waste, at what cost, how to limit the exploitation of natural resources and promote eco-design, how to contribute to carbon neutrality
- 2. Plastic: how to limit its impact, recycle it, recover it and reduce its production
- 3. Agriculture, from farm to fork: meeting new needs, new expectations of consumers, setting up new circuits to better enhance agricultural production, food cities and urban farms : how to move from myth to reality, how to contribute to carbon neutrality
- 4. Industrial, manufacturing and textile production: optimizing resource management, ensuring the independence of the EU over strategic natural resources, limiting the impact on natural resources, ensuring the development of industrial ecology and the economy functionality, moving the production to the local and territorial levels, finding new logics of intra and intersectoral cooperation to respond to mass markets, defining the value, the quality and the guarantee for recycled products, and finding the way to contribute to carbon neutrality
- 5. Waste electrical and electronic equipment: the role of eco-organizations, the development of repair and reuse activities, the opportunity to develop the design of new products from recycled materials
- 6. Circular economy and energy recovery: the field of possibilities, finding the required conditions to be successful in this development, identifying the challenges and prospects
- 7. Household waste: innovations to optimize collection and better value flows
- 8. Territories and circular economy: how to promote new forms of partnership between all stakeholders, what governance to adopt to act from local to national, what place for industrial ecology, what solutions to promote their resilience and ensure sustainable supply
- 9. Digital: the essential tool to promote the development of the circular economy
- 10. The EPR: the miracle solution to ensure recycling and recovery on a large scale