COURSE 5 th SEPTEMBER inside the SERE CONFERENCE – UA University
Introduction to Soil and Water Bioengineering for ecological restoration
Coordinator(s): Sangalli P. (EFIB); Arizpe D. (AEIP/CIEF/Vaersa), Pirrera G. (AIPIN), Rosemarie Stangl (BOKU-IBLB)
Main coordinator E-mail: [email protected]
Draft program:
Soil and Water Bioengineering (SWB) is a discipline that combines technology with biology, making use of native plants and plant communities as construction material and erosion control in degraded environments. It pursues technological, ecological, economic and landscape regeneration goals.
The fields of application are numerous, including the restoration of the natural environment of extractive activities (mining, quarrying), infrastructure (motorways, railways), riverbeds, dunes and coastal areas, and of lost ecosystem in urban and peri-urban areas. Although these techniques have a huge potential combined with other techniques of ecological restoration, there is still a deficit in knowledge and training of technicians and professionals, both in projects and in the implementation.
The proposal that we present is to organize a practical course in soil bioengineering coinciding with the celebration of the 13 th SER Europe Conference of Ecological Restoration.
This proposal has been prepared by the Spanish Association of Landscape Engineering (AEIP), the Italian Association of Naturalistic Engineering (AIPIN) and has the support of the European Federation of Soil Bioengineering.
Teachers: members of AEIP , AIPIN and EFIB
• Daniel Arizpe: Agriculture Engineer Centre of Applied Forest Research (CIEF) /AEIP board of member
• Gianluigi Pirrera: Civil Engineer Vice President AIPIN /EFIB Board of members
• Paola Sangalli – Landscape architect and Biologist and President of the European Federation of Soil and Water Bioengineering- AEIP . Course coordinator
• Rosemarie Stangl: head of the Soil and Water Bioengineering Institut BOKU /EFIB General Manager
Costi e registrazione al corso nel pdf allegato.
course_sere2022 EFIB AEIP AIPIN – SWBioengineering 5h SEPTEMBER2022 Definitive Programm_RS (003)